Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 31
Sayfa 7-22

Arastirma Makalesi

6356 Sayılı Yasa Karşısında İşyeri Sendika Temsilciliği

Sicil, 2014/I Sayi 31: Sayfa 7-22

Prof. Dr. Tankut CENTEL

Koç Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Ögretim Üyesi


6356 sayili Sendikalar ve Toplu Is Sözlesmesi Kanunu, isyeri sendika temsilciligini yeniden düzenlemistir. Yeni yasada isçi temsilciligine ise, yer verilmemistir. Isyeri sendika lemsilcisi, yeni yasayla önceki duruma oranla, daha iyi bir güvence elde etmistir. Buna göre, isyeri sendika temsilcisinin is sözlesmesi, isveren tarafindan hakli. bir neden olmadikça ve nedeni yazili olarak açik ve kesin sekilde belirtilmedikçe, feshedilemeyecektir. Belirtilen esasa uyulmadigi takdirde, isyeri sendika temsilcisi veya üyesi bulundugu isçi sen­dikasi fesih bildiriminin tebligi tarihinden itibaren bir ay içinde ise iade davasi açabilecek­tir. Temsilcinin isine iadesine karar verildigi takdirde, fesih geçersiz sayilacak ve temsilcilik süresi asilmamak kaydiyla, fesih tarihi ile kararin kesinlesme tarihi arasindaki ücret ve diger haklan ödenecektir. Bunun gibi, isveren temsilciyi ise baslatmadigi takdirde, temsilcilik süre­sinin sonuna kadarki ücret ve diger haklarini ödemek zorunda kalacaktir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

İşyeri sendika temsilcisi; rems.ilcilik görev süresi; temsilcinin feshe karşı korunması; haklı nedenle fesih; işyeri değişikliği

Union Shop-Stewards Under the Act on labour Unions and Collective Labour Agreement No. 6356


The institution of union shop-steward was re-regulated by the "Act on Labour Unions and CoUecrive Labour Agreement", whkh have been adopred recently. The new act didn'r accepr the 'employee representatives' who used co be elected from among the employees of ehe establish­ment. Unlike the previous ones, it has been provided a relatively berter protection for the union shop-stewards. According to the new regulalions, no employer may terminale the employment contract of shop-srewards working in his esrablishmeni:s unless he indicared in written form clearly and precisely a just cause for termination. The shop-steward or his union may lodge an appeal with the compecenr labour court within one month of ehe date the notice of cerminacion was commu­nicated to him. Termination shall be annulled if the court rules that the shop-steward must be reinstated, provided that he makes an application to resume work within six working days; in this case the employer must pay rhe shop-sreward's full wages and all orher entitlemencs accrued even if be had been given no work during his period of office as shop steward, taking effect from the date on which his employment was terminated.


Union shop-steward; tenure of shop-stewards; protection against unfair dismis­sal; just cause for termination; changing of the shop-stewards' workplace.