Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 45
Sayfa 32-44

Arastirma Makalesi

Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Çalışan Sigortalının Yaşlılık Aylığı Bağlanması İçin İşten Ayrılmasını Gerektiren Kuralın İptaline Karar Vermesinin Bazı Sonuçları Hakkında

Sicil, 2021/I Sayi 45: Sayfa 32-44

Prof. Dr. Sükran ERTÜRK

Dogu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Is ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Anabilim Dali,


Anayasa Mahkemesi, 14.01.2021 tarihinde 506 sayili Sosyal Sigortalar Kanunu’nun mülga 62. maddesinin 1. fikrasinda yer alan “… çalistigi isyerinden ayrildiktan sonra…” ibaresini Anayasa’ya aykiri bularak iptal etmistir. Bu durum sosyal güvenlik hukuku ve is hukuku bakimindan sorunlari beraberinde getirmistir. Çalismada kararin ve karara açiklik getirilmek amaciyla çikarilan Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu’nun 2021/5 sayili Genelgesi’nin sosyal güvenlik hukuku ve is hukuku bakimindan yarattigi sonuçlar incelenmistir. The Constitutional Court annulled the phrase “... after leaving the workplace ...” in the first paragraph of the abrogated article 62 of the Social Insurance Law No.506 on 14.01.2021, as unconstitutional. This situation brought problems in terms of social security law and labor law. In the study, the results of the Social Security Institution’s Circular No. 2021/5, which were issued to clarify the decision and the decision, in terms of social security law and labor law were examined.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Yaşlılık aylığı, işten ayrılma koşulu, sosyal güvenlik destek primi.

About Some Consequences of the Constitutional Court’s Decision to Cancel the Rule Requiring the Employee Insured to Leave for Old Age Pension


The Constitutional Court annulled the phrase “... after leaving the workplace ...” in the first paragraph of the abrogated article 62 of the Social Insurance Law No.506 on 14.01.2021, as unconstitutional. This situation brought problems in terms of social security law and labor law. In the study, the results of the Social Security Institution’s Circular No. 2021/5, which were issued to clarify the decision and the decision, in terms of social security law and labor law were examined.


Old age pension, requirement of leaving job, social security support premium.