Sicil, 2023/I Sayi 49: Sayfa 60-77
Prof. Dr. Mahmut KABAKCI
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Isletme Fakültesi Is ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku
Is iliskisinde isçi açisindan en agir isveren yaptirimi, is sözlesmesinin Is Kanunu m. 25/ II’de sayilan gerekçelerle feshidir. Isverenin hakli feshinin is hukukunun isçiyi koruma amaciyla bagdastirilmasi, maddede sinirlandirici olmaksizin sayilan ahlak ve iyi niyet kurallarina uymayan hallerin isçinin sadakat borcunu ihlal eden kusurlu davranislari olmasiyla ilgilidir. Bu davranislardan b, c, d ve e alt bentlerinde sayilanlar basta olmak üzere bazilari ayni zamanda ceza hukuku açisindan suç niteliginde olabilir. Isçinin bir davranisinin ayni anda is ve ceza hukukunun konusu olmasi, haksiz fesih iddiasiyla açilacak davalarda ceza sorusturmasinin ve/veya kovusturmasinin sonuçlarinin dikkate alinmasini gerektirir. Uygulamada çok sayida davada, ilk derece mahkemeleri fesih nedeni olay hakkinda kovusturmaya yer olmadigi ya da beraat karari verildigi gerekçesiyle feshin haksiz oldugu karari verilmektedir. Is hukuku ile ceza hukukunun amaçlarindaki, konularindaki, dolayisiyla ilkelerindeki farklilik, böyle bir genellemeyi dislar. Bu çalismada Is Kanunu m. 25/II kapsamindaki bir feshe karsi açilacak davada, 6098 sayili Türk Borçlar Kanunu’nun 74. maddesinin uygulanisinda dikkate alinmasi gereken esaslar, uygulamadaki bazi hatali yönlere isaret ile incelenecektir.
Haklı fesih, dogruluk ve baglılıga aykırı davranıs, kovusturmaya yer olmadıgı kararı, beraat kararı.
The more severe sanction for the employees is the termination of the employment contract with the reasons listed in article 25/II of the Labour Code. The reconciliation of the employer’s rightful termination with the labour law’s aim of protecting the employee is related to the fact that the cases which do not comply with the moral and goodwill rules listed without limitation in the article are the culpable behaviours of the employee which violates the duty of loyalty. Some of these behaviours, especially those listed in sub-paragraphs b, c, d, and e, may also constitute a crime in terms of criminal law. The fact that an employee’s behaviour is the subject of labour and criminal law at the same time requires that the results of the criminal investigation and/or prosecution to be considered in the lawsuits led with the claim of wrongful termination. In practice, in many cases, courts of rst instance decide that the termination is unfair on the grounds that the verdict of acquittal or the decision of non-prosecution was rendered regarding the incident which was the reason for termination. The dierence in the aims, topics, and therefore principles of labour law and criminal law excludes such a generalization. In this study, the principles to be considered in the application of the article 74 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 in a lawsuit to be led against a termination within the scope of the article 25/II of the Labour Code will be examined by pointing out some faulty aspects in practice.
Rightful termination, conduct contrary to truth and loyalty, decision of non-prosecution, verdict of acquittal.