Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 34
Sayfa 27-40

Arastirma Makalesi


Sicil, 2015/II Sayi 34: Sayfa 27-40

Prof. Dr. Kadir ARICI

Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Is ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Ana Bilim Dali


Genel saglik sigortasi, sagligin korunmasi ve hastalik riskine karsi sosyal güvenlik saglayan bir sigorta dalidir. Genel saglik sigortasi 2006 tarih ve 5510 sayili Sosyal Sigortalar ve Genel Saglik Sigortasi Kanunu ile sistemimize katilmis ve bütün hükümleri ile 1.1.2012 tarihinde yürürlüge girmis bir sistemdir. Genel saglik sigortasi primli sistem içinde fi nanse edilir. Sistemde muhtaçlarin primlerini devlet karsilar. Muhtaçligin tespiti, gelir testi metodu ile gerçeklestirilir. Gelir testinde ailenin toplam geliri ailedeki fert sayisina bölünerek, kisi basina düsen aylik gelir miktari bulunur. Bu miktar eger asgari ücretin 1/3’ünden az ise bu kisiler muhtaç kabul edilir. Primleri devletçe ödenir. Kisi basina gelir tespiti yapilirken ailede issiz gençler de ortalama gelir hesabina dahil edilmektedir. Bu çalismada adi geçen uygulamanin Anayasaya, hukuka aykiri ve sürdürülemez oldugunu; üretilen ve üretilmeye çalisilan çözümlerin de meseleyi çözmeyecegi ortaya konulmakta ve sürdürülebilir hukuka uygun bir çözüm teklifi tartismaya açilmaktadir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Genel sağlık sigortası, genç işsizler, gelir testi, muhtaçlık, hastalık sigortası, sosyal güvenlik.



General health insurance is an insurance branche providing social security against the health risks. General Health Insurance System in Turkey has been introduced to Turkish legislation with the adoption Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act numbered 5510 dated 2006 and is being implemented since January the 1st, 2012 with all its provisions. General Health Insurance System is fi nanced with the premium system. The premium of the ones who are in need are paid by the state. Those who are in need of State’s help are determined with an income test system. The monthly income per capita is calculated by dividing total monthly family income with the number of the family members. If the monthly income per capita is less than 1/3 of the minimum wage in force, all the members of the family are considered to be in need. The general health insurance premiums of those are fi nanced by the State. While calculating per capita income of a family, the unemployed young family members are included in the average income calculation. In this study it has been considered that the income test system in practice is violating the Turkish Constitution and the law and is unsustainable. The recently proposed solutions by the Government will also not solve the problem. In this article a solution is proposed and opened into debate to solve the issue in the income test system in the Turkish Health Insurance System.


General health insurance, unemployed youth, income tests, the ones in need, sickness insurance, social security.