Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 42
Sayfa 144-172

Arastirma Makalesi

Kısa Çalışma Uygulaması ve İş Sözleşmesine Etkileri ile Kısa Çalışmanın Nedensel ve Süresel Koşulları

Sicil, 2019/II Sayi 42: Sayfa 144-172


T.C. Aile, Çalisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanligi Is Bas Müfettisi


Isyerinde kisa çalismayi doguran ayni nedenlere dayali olarak, Is Kanunu çerçevesinde “is sözlesmesinin aski hali”, “çalisma kosullarinda esasli degisiklik” gibi kanuni veya taraflarca kararlastirilabilen hukuki kurum ve süreçler de uygulanabilecek olup, Issizlik Sigortasi Kanunu çerçevesinde düzenlenen kisa çalisma, bu uygulamalardan farkli bir hukuki nitelik tasimaktadir. Bu hukuki kurum ve süreçler arasinda kisa çalismanin, kanunen zorunlu tutulup tutulmadigi hususu gündeme gelmekte olup, kanunda belirtilen gerekçeler gerçeklestiginde kisa çalisma yapmak üzere isverenin basvurusunun kanunen zorunlu tutulmadigini, ancak taraflarca Is Kanunu çerçevesinde baskaca anlasma yapilmadiginda, isveren tarafindan feshin son çare olmasindan hareketle, is sözlesmesinin feshinden önce isveren tarafindan basvurulmasi gereken bir uygulama oldugunu söyleyebiliriz. 4447 sayili Issizlik Sigortasi Kanununda kisa çalisma, kisa çalisma ödeneginden yararlanma açisindan tanimlanmis olup, kisa çalismanin is sözlesmesine etkileri ise düzenlenmemistir. Diger yandan Is Kanunu’nda da, kisa çalismanin is sözlesmesine etkileri düzenlenmemistir. Bu nedenle, Issizlik Sigortasi Kanunu kapsaminda özel bir düzenleme olan kisa çalisma uygulamasiyla ayni süreçte, isçilerin kisa çalismayla ayni gerekçelerle genel Kanun niteliginde olan Is Kanunundan kaynaklanan is sözlesmesini hakli nedenle fesih hakkini kullanip kullanamayacagi hususu gündeme gelmektedir. Isçi, kisa çalismayla ayni gerekçelerle is sözlesmesini derhal fesih hakkini, kisa çalisma uygulamasi baslamadan önce kullanabilecekken, kisa çalisma uygulamasinin, isverene Kanunen taninmis olan bir hakka dayanmasi ve idari bir karara dayali olarak uygulanmasi dikkate alinarak, kisa çalisma uygulamasi basladiktan sonra ve kisa çalisma süresi devam ettigi sürece isçinin hakli nedenle is sözlesmesini feshedemeyeceginin kabul edilmesi gerekir. Ancak Issizlik Sigortasi Kanununda kisa çalisma ve kisa çalisma ödeneginden yararlanilmasina iliskin düzenlemelerin, Is Kanunu’nda ayni gerekçelerle isçilere saglanan haklari engelleyici olmayacak sekilde düzenlenmesi esas olmalidir. Issizlik Sigortasi Kanununda kisa çalismaya ve kisa çalisma ödenegine iliskin düzenlemelerin, Is Kanunu’nda ayni gerekçelerle isçilere saglanan haklarla süre yönünden çakismamasi da gereklidir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Kısa çalışma, kısa çalışma ödeneği, ekonomik kriz, zorlayıcı sebep, iş sözleşmesinin askıya alınması, kısa çalışmanın iş sözleşmesine etkileri, kısa çalışmanın iş sözleşmesinin haklı nedenle feshine etkileri.

Short-Time Work and It’s Effects On Employment Contract and Short-Time Work’s Conditions Regarding Cause and Term


Short-time work regulated within the framework of Unemployment Insurance Act has a different legal status compared with the short-time work practice in the workplace that may emerge as a result of the legal procedures; processes that are enforced by Labor Ac or bilaterally agreed between the parties such as “fundamental changes in work conditions” and “suspension of employment contract”. This brings up the question of between all these legal procedures and processes whether short-time work is mandatory by law or not; we can say that when the conditions determined in law have been fulfilled, short-time work application by the employer is not mandatory but; if the parties do not have another agreement in the context of Labour Act; because of the ultima ratio principle; short-time work is a practice that should be followed by the employer prior to the Short-time work regulated within the framework of Unemployment Insurance Act has a different legal status compared with the short-time work practice in the workplace that may emerge as a result of the legal procedures; processes that are enforced by Labor Ac or bilaterally agreed between the parties such as “fundamental changes in work conditions” and “suspension of employment contract”. This brings up the question of between all these legal procedures and processes whether short-time work is mandatory by law or not; we can say that when the conditions determined in law have been fulfilled, short-time work application by the employer is not mandatory but; if the parties do not have another agreement in the context of Labour Act; because of the ultima ratio principle; short-time work is a practice that should be followed by the employer prior to the termination of the employment contract. Under the Unemployment Insurance Act no. 4447, short-time work is defined in respect of benefiting from the short-time work benefits while the effects of short-time work on the employment contract are not regulated. On the other hand, the effects of short-time work on the employment contract are not regulated in the Labour Act either. Therefore, this brings up the question of whether the employees are entitled to exercise their rights for termination with the valid reasons emerging from Labour Act, which is a public act; because of short-time work practice; a special regulation under the Unemployment Insurance Law. While the employee can exercise its immediate termination right before the start of the shorttime work practice with the same justifications, it should be accepted that the employee cannot terminate his/her employment contract with valid reasons if the short-time work practice has already been started and is going on in the workplace, considering short-time work practice is a legal right of the employer and exercised based on an administrative decision. In this respect, However, it is essential that short-time work provisions and the regulations on benefitting the short-time work benefits should neither be impeding on nor contradicting with the employee rights provided by Labor Act as a result of the same justifications. The provisions of short-time work and short-time work benefits in Unemployment Insurance Act, should also not contradict the employee rights provided by Labor Act as a result of the same justifications in terms of duration.


Short-time work, short-time work benefits, economic crisis, force majeure, suspension of employment contract, effects of short-time work on employment contract, effects of short-time work on termination employment contract with justified resasons.