Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 36
Sayfa 9-16

Arastirma Makalesi

Metal Sektöründeki Son İş Bırakma Eylemleri Nedeniyle İşten Çıkarmalar

Sicil, 2016/II Sayi 36: Sayfa 9-16

Prof. Dr. Tankut CENTEL

Koç Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi


Metal sektöründeki son is birakma eylemleri, Türk hukuk sistemi bakimindan, yasa disi eylemler olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Gerçekten, geçerli bir toplu is sözlesmesine ragmen isin birakilmasi, isçilerin yanisira, sanayi ile sirket sahiplerine zarar vermektedir. Bu eylemlere katilan ve bir süre is birakan isçiler, ise iade davasi açmislardir. Anilan isçilerden bazilarinin tekrardan ise alinmayip isten çikarilmalari, Yargitay kararlari tarafindan isverenin esit davranma borcuna aykirilik olarak degerlendirilmistir. Ancak, Anayasa Mahkemesi, bu konudaki bireysel basvuruda, basvurucular tarafindan esitlik ilkesine aykiri bir davranisin kanitlanmamis oldugunu belirtmistir. Yine, bu kararda, çalisma ve grev haklarinin ihlal edilmedigi kabul edilmektedir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

İş bırakma, yasa dışı eylem, sendika hakkı, sendikal nedenle fesih, işverenin eşit davranma borcu.

Recent Dismissals Due to the Cessation of Work In the Metal Industry


Latest protests in the metal industry are considered as unlawful acts by the Turkish justice system. In fact, interruption of a smooth working system and refusing to work, even though the workers are under a valid collective labour agreement, harm the industry, company owners and besides the workers themselves. The workers who were attended any of those protests and quit their job for a while, had filed a lawsuit on reinstatement. Some of the workers’ acceptance to get back to their work, while not giving some others’ the same chance or opportunity, is been considered against equal treatment orders of the Court of Cassation. However, the Constitutional Court claimed by an individual application that there was no act conflicting with the principle of equality regarding the cases. Similarly, it is considered as there is no infringement to work and strike rights of the worker.


Cessation of work, unlawful act, union right, termination due to union activities, employer’s obligation of equal treatment.