Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 37
Sayfa 114-141

Arastirma Makalesi

Türkiye İnsan Hakları ve Eşitlik Kurumu Kanunu Sonrasında İş Sözleşmesinin Sona Ermesinde Yaşlı Ayrımcılığı

Sicil, 2017/I Sayi 37: Sayfa 114-141


Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Isletme Fakültesi Is ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku


Çalisma yasaminda isverenlerin yasli isçilere karsi önyargilari bulunmakta, isçiler sirf “yasli” bulunduklari için ayrimciliga ugramaktadirlar. Ülkemizde, Türkiye Insan Haklari ve Esitlik Kurumu Kanununa kadar yasa dayali ayrimciligin “açikça” yasak oldugunu düzenleyen “özel bir Kanun” yoktu. Is hukukunda, yaslilik veya emeklilik, Yargitay ve ögretinin geneli tarafindan tek basina geçerli bir fesih gerekçesi olarak kabul edilmemektedir. Ancak, Yargitay ve bir kisim ögreti, toplu is sözlesmesine veya is sözlesmesinin eki niteligindeki kaynaklara emeklilik hakki gelmis ve belirli yasa ulasmis isçilerin sözlesmelerinin sona erecegi yönünde hükümler konulmasini, geçerli saymaktadir. Bununla birlikte, anilan geçerlilik, düzenlemelerin herkese istisnasiz uygulanmasi kosuluna baglanmistir. Türkiye Insan Haklari ve Esitlik Kurumu Kanunu, yasa dayali farkli muameleyi yasaklarken, farkli muamelenin belirli kosullarda haklilastirilabilecegini de düzenlemistir. Böylece yasa dayali farkli muamelenin önü yasal olarak açilmis gibi görünse de, sözü edilen Kanun m.7/1,(c)’ye uygun olmayan yas sinirlamalari artik geçersiz sayilmalidir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Yaşlı ayrımcılığı, yaş ayrımcılığı, Türkiye İnsan Hakları ve Eşitlik Kurumu Kanunu, zorunlu emeklilik yaşı.

Old Age Discrimination Concerning the Termination of the Employment Contract, with Regard to The Law on Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution


In working life, some employers could have prejudices towards older workers. Employees were discriminated against solely on ground of reaching to an age that can be evaluated as an elder person. Before The Law on Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution came into force, there was not a specific article in Turkish legislation, which explicitly protected workers from discrimination on the grounds of elderliness in employment relationship. Elderliness or fulfilling the legal conditions for old age pension according to the social security legislation are not considered as valid reasons for termination of the employment contract in Turkish Labour Law according to the Court of Cassation and the majority of the labour law doctrine. However, the Court of Cassation and some members of the labour law doctrine consider the provisions stating that employment contract of the employees, who are entitled to pensions and who reach a certain age, could be terminated to be valid, in the condition that these provisions derive from collective agreements or some sources like employment contract annexes. However, this validity is binded to the condition that these provisions should be implemented for everyone without expection. While forbidding discrimination against elderly employees, The Law on Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution gives an opportunity to justify the discrimination under some particular circumstances. Although this article can be deemed as discrimination towards elderly employees can be concerned ‘legal’ under some circumstances, the regulations which do not comply with the conditions set at the Article 7/1, (c) of the above mentioned Law, they should be regarded as invalid.


Old age discrimination, age discrimination, The Law on Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution, mandatory retirement age.