Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 48
Sayfa 109-128

Araştırma Makalesi

Vakıf Üniversitesinde Çalışan Akademik Personelin Eşit Ücret Hakkı

Sicil, 2023/I Sayi 48: Sayfa 109-128

Dr. Ögr. Üyesi Duygu ÇELEBI DEMIR

Çankiri Karatekin Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Is ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Anabilim Dali


Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Idare Hukuku Anabilim Dali


Ülkemizde dönem dönem kamu kesiminde çalisan personel ile özel kesimde çalisanlar arasinda mali haklar bakimindan dengesizlikler olustugu gözlemlenmektedir. Akademik açidan ayni niteliklere sahip olan vakif üniversitesi akademik personeli ile devlet üniversitesi akademik personeli arasindaki ücret dengesizligini gidermek amaciyla yakin zamanda kanuni bir düzenleme yapilarak, vakif üniversitesi akademik personeli aleyhine bozulan denge kanun koyucu tarafindan yeniden tesis edilmek istenmistir. Ancak uygulamada, tesis edilen söz konusu kanun hükmüne uyulmamasindan dogan hukuki uyusmazliklar, bu uyusmazliklarin nasil çözülecegine iliskin soru isaretlerini beraberinde getirmistir. Bu çalismada esit ücret hakki ihlal edilen vakif üniversitesi akademik personelinin basvurabilecegi idari ve yargisal basvuru yollari degerlendirilmistir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Vakıf üniversitesi, akademik personel, eşit ücret.

Equal Pay Right of Academic Staff Working at Private University


In our country, from time to time, it is observed that there are imbalances between the personnel working in the public sector and those working in the private sector in terms of financial rights. A legal arrangement has been made recently in order to eliminate the wage imbalance between the academic staff of the private university and the academic staff of the state university, who have the same academic qualifications. Thus, the balance that was disturbed against the academic staff of the private university was tried to be re-established by the legislator. However, legal disputes arising from non-compliance with the said provision of law established in practice have brought along question marks about how these disputes will be resolved. In this article, the administrative and judicial remedies that can be enjoyed by the academic staff of the private universities whose right to equal pay is violated were evaluated.


Private university, academic staff, equal pay.