Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 43
Sayfa 126-157

Arastirma Makalesi

Covid-19 Salgınının Çalışma Şekilleri ve İşçinin İzin ve Ücret Hakları Açısından İş Sözleşmesine Etkisi

Sicil, 2020/I Sayi 43: Sayfa 126-157




Yeni Koronavirüs Hastaligi (Covid-19) Aralik 2019 tarihinde Çin’de tespit edilmis olup, kisa zaman içinde pek çok ülkeye yayilmis ve Dünya Saglik Örgütü tarafindan pandemi olarak ilan edilmistir. Bu küresel salgin, tüm dünyada oldugu gibi ülkemizde de toplum sagligini, ekonomik ve sosyal hayati ciddi derecede etkilemistir. Dünya genelinde salgin nedeniyle üretim faaliyetleri ciddi yavaslama göstermis, birçok sektör agir hasar görmüs, buna bagli olarak çalisma hayati da etkilenmistir. Bu çerçevede ülkemizde de salginin ekonomik ve sosyal hayata etkilerinin azaltilmasi, çalisma hayatinin zarar görmemesi, istihdamin devamliliginin saglanmasi amaciyla is mevzuatinda pek çok düzenleme yapilmistir. Bu çalismada da salgin sürecinde isçi ve isveren iliskileri, salginin is sözlesmesinin devamina, çalisma sekillerine, isçinin ücret ve diger haklarina etkisi incelenmektedir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Covid-19, salgın hastalık, kısa çalışma, ücretsiz izin.

The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Labour Contract in Terms of Types of Work and Right to Leave and Wages


The new Coronavirus disease (Covid-19), which was first reported in China in December 2019 and spread to many countries over a short period of time, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. This global pandemic has had a serious impact on community health care, economic and social life all over the world, as well as in Turkey. Production activities have slowed down due to the pandemic worldwide, many sectors have been heavily damaged, therefore, working life has been affected negatively. In this context, many regulations have been made in the labour legislation in our country in order to reduce the effects of the pandemic on economic and social life harming working life, and to ensure the continuity of employment. In this study, the relationship between the worker and employer, the effects of the pandemic on the continuation of the labour contract, types of work, the wages, and other rights of the worker are examined.


Covid-19, epidemic, short time working, unpaid leave.