Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 43
Sayfa 274-299

Arastirma Makalesi

Covid-19 Salgınının İş Sözleşmesinin Feshine ve Diğer Sona Erme Nedenlerine Etkisi

Sicil, 2020/I Sayi 43: Sayfa 274-299

Dr. Seracettin GÖKTAS

Yargitay 22. Hukuk Dairesi Baskani


Dünya Saglik Örgütü tarafindan küresel bir salgin hastalik olarak ilan edilen ve insan sagligini ciddi sekilde tehdit eden Covid-19 salgini, ekonomik ve sosyal hayati derinden sarsmistir. Ülkemizde salginla mücadele kapsaminda isletmeleri ayakta tutmak ve bu suretle istihdami korumak amaciyla, 7226 ve 7244 sayili Kanunlar ile 4447 sayili Issizlik Sigortasi Kanunu’nda ve 4857 sayili Is Kanunu’nda birtakim degisiklikler yapilmis ve bu kanunlara bazi geçici maddeler eklenmistir. Bu kapsamda kisa çalisma uygulamasi kolaylastirilmis ve kisa çalisma ödeneginden yararlanma kosullari yumusatilmistir. Isverene geçici bir süre için ahlak ve iyiniyet kurallarina uymayan haller ve benzerleri disinda bir sebeple, fesih yasagi getirilmistir. Tam-kismi süreli, belirli-belirsiz süreli ve deneme süreli sözlesmeler de fesih yasagi kapsamindadir. Fesih niteliginde olmamalari nedeniyle sözlesmesinin süre bitiminde kendiliginden veya geçerli bir ikale ile sona ermesi, fesih yasagi kapsaminda degerlendirilemez. Yasaga aykiri olarak yapilan fesih, kesin olarak hükümsüz oldugundan, isverenin temerrüdü söz konusu olur. Diger yandan, salgin nedeniyle ekonomik sorunlar yasayan isverene, getirilen fesih yasagina karsilik olmak üzere, bu süreyle sinirli olmak kaydiyla, isçiyi tek tarafli ücretsiz izne ayirma yetkisi verilmistir. Ayni düzenleme kapsaminda ücretsiz iznin isçi bakimindan fesih için hakli sebep teskil etmeyecegi de belirtilmistir. Bu süre içinde isçi, ücretsiz izne dayanan derhal fesih hakki disinda, sartlari olustugunda saglik, ahlak ve iyiniyet kurallarina uymayan haller ve benzerleri sebepleri veya zorlayici sebeplere bagli olarak is sözlesmesini feshedebilir. Isçi, söz konusu dönemde süreli fesih yoluna da basvurabilir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Covid-19, salgın hastalık, fesih yasağı, ücretsiz izin.

The Effect of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Termination of The Employment Contract and Other Reasons Ending The Contract


The Covid-19 pandemic, declared by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic and seriously threatening human health, has deeply shaken economic and social life. In order to keep the businesses alive and thus protect employment within the scope of combating the pandemic in our country, some amendments were made in the Laws No. 7226 and 7244, the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447 and the Labor Law No. 4857, and some temporary provisions were added to these laws. In this context, shortterm work has been facilitated and conditions for benefiting from short-term work allowance have been softened. The employer has been temporarily banned from termination for reasons other than those that do not comply with the rules of ethics and goodwill and the like. Full time-part time, definite-indefinite term and probationary contracts are also covered by the prohibition of termination. Termination of the employment contract automatically at the end of the period and valid mutual rescission agreements are not covered by the prohibition of termination because they cannot be considered as termination. Since the termination made against the prohibition is absolutely null, the employer’s default will come into question. On the other hand, the employer, who has economic problems due to the pandemic, has been given the right to unilaterally resort to unpaid leave, in return for the termination ban, provided that this period is limited. In the same provisions, it is stated that unpaid leave will not constitute a just cause for termination for ther employees. During this period, apart from exercising a right for immediate termination due to unpaid leave, when the conditions avail, the employee may terminate the employment contract, for compelling reasons and conditions similar to health, morality, and goodwill. The worker may also recourse to the termination with notice within the period in question.


Covid-19, pandemic, prohibition of termination, unpaid leave.