Anasayfa / Sicil Sayı 50
Sayfa 74-88

Araştırma Makalesi

Kamuda Değişen Taşeronların Değişmeyen İşçilerinin EYT Sonrası Kıdem Tazminatından Sorumluluk

Sicil, 2023/II Sayi 50: Sayfa 74-88

Prof. Dr. Serkan ODAMAN
Yaşar Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi


Gerek özel sektörde gerekse kamuda çok sayida hizmetin taseron sirketler tarafindan yerine getirildigi görülmektedir. Özellikle kamuda bu sirketler yeni ihalelerle degismekte ancak bu sirketler nezdinde çalisan isçilerin büyük çogunlugu aynen çalismaya devam etmektedir. Konu is hukukunun her dönem gündeminde olmustur. Ancak EYT olarak tanimlanan son emeklilik düzenlemesinden sonra kidem tazminati talepleri yogunlasinca son taseron sirketler isçilerin “geçmis dönemler dâhil birikmis tüm tazminatlarinin, almakta olduklari son ücrete göre hesaplanmak suretiyle ödenmesi” taleplerini yerine getirememektedirler. Son taseronun söz konusu olumsuz geri dönüsü üzerine isçiler bu defa kidem tazminatlarindan asil isverenin de müteselsil olarak sorumlu oldugu gerekçesiyle, taleplerini sözlü, yazili ve bazi isçiler yönünden dava yolu ile kamuya da yönlendirmektedirler. Asil isveren ile hizmet aldigi sirketler arasindaki iliskinin unsurlari asil isveren-taseron iliskisinin unsurlariyla uyumluysa taseron isçilerinin olasi ödenmeyen isçilik alacaklarindan asil isveren de kidem tazminatlari da dahil olmak üzere müteselsilen sorumludur. Bu durum taseronlarin ayni kalmamasi, farkli ihalelerle degismesi halinde de geçerlidir. Adi geçen taseron isçilerinin is sözlesmeleri kidem tazminati ödenmesini gerektirecek sekilde sona ermisse kidem tazminatlarinin asil isveren tarafindan ödenmesi hukuken uygundur. Bunun için isçilerin dava açmalarinin beklenmesine gerek olmamakla birlikte elbette olasi davanin neticelerine göre de ödeme yapilabilir. Isçilerin kidem tazminatlarinin asil isveren tarafindan ödenmesinden sonra asil isverenin ödedigi miktari taseronlara rücu ederek talep etmesi mümkündür. Zira hizmet alim isinin son taseronu dahi isçinin asil isverenin isinde çalistigi sürenin tümünden sorumlu olmayacak, ancak kendi çalistirmis oldugu süreyle sinirli olarak kidem tazminati ödeme yükümlülügüyle karsi karsiya kalacaktir. Isçiye ödenen kidem tazminati ise is sözlesmesinin feshedildigi tarihteki giydirilmis ücret üzerinden hesaplanmalidir. Bu kidem tazminatinin tamamindan isçiyi çalistirdiklari dönemle orantili olarak taseronlar asil isverene karsi sorumlu olacaklardir.

Anahtar Sözcükler:

Asıl işveren, alt işveren, müteselsil sorumluluk, kıdem tazminatı, emeklilikte yaşa takılanlar.

Responsibility From The Severance Pay Of The Retirement Age Victims Of The Unchanged Employees Of The Changed Public Subcontractors


Both in private and public sector, many services are carried out by subcontractors. Especially in the public sector, although subcontroctors change with new tenders the majority of employees working in these companies continue to work. The subject has always been on the agenda of labour law. However, when the demands for severance pay increased after the last retirement regulation defined as EYT, the last subcontractors have been unable to fulfill the employees’ demands for the payment of all their accumulated compensation, including previous periods, calculated according to the last wage they received. Upon the refusal of the last subcontractor, employees apply to the public principal employer who is jointly responsible for severance pay verbally or in writing. Some employees also request these demands through lawsuits. In case of the elements of the relationship between the principal employer and the companies from which it receives services are compatible with the elements of the principal subcontractor -subcontractor relationship, the principal employer is jointly responsible for the possible unpaid labour receivables of the subcontractor’s employees, including severance pay. This is also valid if subcontractors change due to the different tenders. In case of the termination of the employment contracts of subcontractor employees in a way that requires the payment of severance pay, severance pay can be legally paid by the principal subcontractor. The principal subcontractor does not need to wait for a lawsuit filed by the employees to make this payment. Of course, payments can also be made depending on the results of the possible lawsuit. After the severance pay is paid to the employees the principal subcontractor may recourse to the subcontractor for the compensation amount paid by him. As the subcontractor will not be responsible for the entire period during which the employee has been worked in the workplace of the principal employer. The subcontractor is obliged to pay severance pay limited only to the period he employs. Severance pay paid to the employee should be calculated based on the wage on the date of termination of the employment contract. Subcontractors will be liable to the principal subcontractor for the entire severance pay, divided by the periods during which they employed the employees.


Principal subcontractor, subcontractor, joint liability, severance pay, the retirement age victims.